I am broadly interested in developmental biology, transcriptomics, and functional genomics, particularly at the maternal-offspring interface. I use molecular biology and bioinformatics tools, and work with genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic data. I currently study social insect behavior, development and gene regulation, particularly regarding parent-of-origin intragenomic conflicts in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). I am completing the Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Biosciences PhD program at Penn State University, advised by Drs. Christina Grozinger, Michael Axtell, Shaun Mahony, Heather Hines, and Amro Zayed (York University - Toronto, Canada). I will be defending my dissertation on “Molecular Mechanisms of Phenotypic Variation in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)” on 05/30/24. After this, I will be joining the Data, AI, & Genome Sciences co-op at Merck Research Laboratories. Beginning August 2024, I will be working as a research data scientist at MD Anderson Cancer Center in the Bhattacharya Lab for Computational Genomics, conducting research at the intersection of placenta biology and gestational diabetes, and providing bioinformatics support for research groups within the Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences. See my resume for more details.